The Stewardship of Thanksgiving
Psalm 118:1-18
- Our stewardship of thanksgiving must be constant.
A) In times of prosperity we should give thanks.
B) In times of adversity we should give thanks.
Habakkuk 3:17-18
C) In times of doubt we should give thanks.
1) We know that God is there for us.
2) We know there is One who knows the way.
3) We know that there is a way that is right and true, and that way will win in the end.
II. Our stewardship of thanksgiving must be discerning.
A) True thanksgiving remembers the best of the past.
B) True thanksgiving sees the blessings of today,
the blessings of the present.
C) But even more important, true thanksgiving
bolsters us for the future.
III. Our stewardship of thanksgiving must be vocal.
Psalm 107:2