Sunday @ 10 & 11 AM & 6:30 PM — Wednesday @ 6:30 PM
Sunday’s Outline In FBLC Blog

We’re glad you stopped by, and thank you for taking this time to find out about our church.
Fellowship Baptist Lighthouse Church is an established, Bible preaching, Christ-centered, caring church with ministries to meet the needs of our Church family and neighbors in the greater Unadilla–Sidney–Otego area.
Are you looking for a Bible-centered church where Jesus Christ is preached as the Way, the Truth and the Life? Are you interested in God’s work world-wide? If so, you’ll feel at home here.
Our Pastor and people stand ready to serve you in a time of spiritual need or family crisis. If you need more information about our local church or if you need to know our Lord Jesus Christ, please contact me the church.
The pastor and members of FBLC invite you to join us at Fellowship Baptist Lighthouse Church next Sunday. We look forward to getting acquainted with you and your family as you come and worship with us. Perhaps God will lead us to serve our Lord Jesus Christ together through this growing local ministry.